Goal and motivation

We wanted to do a simple and “wacky” operation game where the user interacts with the Pixelsense Tabletop. Our goals was to learn how to develop for tabletop interaction by using fiducials.

Explanation and Justification of the graphics and interaction technologies used and developed

We used Unity3D as our main game engine. All models, including the body and the organs, were created in Blender. Since the Pixelsense we worked on didn’t contain any good hardware, we created low-poly core graphics with a low amount of vertices.


When we started out, we didn’t know how to track the fiducials. We started by looking at the official API, and it seemed like tracking the fiducials would be possible. Though since the PixelSense 2.0 is a few years old there's no built-in support for Unity (which is what we want to use in order to quickly get started), and it seemed like the Unity plugins that were available were all quite buggy. But we knew that there was a previous project that worked with Unity: Dispursion, which was a student project about two years ago which utilized fiducials with the PixelSense 2.0. On the PixelSense device itself we found a git repository of Dispursion, but it was based upon a piece of middleware that wasn't available. We tried looking at the git logs in order to find email addresses of the But we managed to find the middleware by mailing the old authors.